
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Who's Gonna Save The World Tonight?

I guess my problem really started with the sign. I was taking Panic, my pet imp, for a walk when I saw it. (Yes, a walk inside. Panic is agoraphobic. And claustrophobic. And hydrophobic. And arachnophobic. And essentially every other kind of "phobic" that it's possible to be.)

While walking, I noticed that something was wrong because Panic had started to whimper.

I looked down and asked him what was bothering him.

"The sign..." Panic moaned, "It's different! It wasn't here last time!"

Aah. Fear of change.

I knelt down and gave him a hug, which calmed him.

When Panic stopped shaking, I put him down and walked over to inspect the new sign.

"Hero training?" I mused out loud.

"DON'T MAKE ME GO!" Panic screamed. I chose to ignore him.

"I bet Hercules would like that."


I scratched Panic's head and reassured him that he would not have to go to hero training. All the while, my brain bounced from possibility to possibility as I thought of how excited Herc would be when he found out about the program.

It seemed like the perfect idea. At the time.

If only I'd known what was coming.


  1. Dear Meg,
    Ooh, cliffhanger. I actually heard that ominous 'bum bum bum' sound effect in my head when I read the end of this post. Yes, I'll admit I'm a little weird.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. That's alright, I heard them writing it! I'm glad you enjoyed!

      Meg <3
