
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

August - most of November, 2014

I'm sorry that this took so long... MyLittleMegara and the new Anna doll have been hogging the computer so much lately that I haven't been able to break in to try and post! :( Once again, I'll be rushing through trying to get everything that happened posted so that maybe... maybe... I can catch up to myself. Maybe.

August was slow and rather uneventful here among us Disney dolls.

We did welcome two new friends, though: the inquisitive Alice and the poised Annette.

September contained only one major event: the wedding of Flynn and Rapunzel on the 6th! They're such a sweet, well matched couple.

In October, Esmeralda actually took over posting duty because I was getting my hair fixed up by MyLittleMegara (finally!) While I was gone, they welcomed practical Mattie and dreamer Ellie.

Then Annabel and Ariel left to go to Disneyland over Fall break with MLM and her family.

They also welcomed Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and a Hans doll. The first three seemed much like their movie characters, though Hans seemed distant and somewhat haunted or tortured.

In November, Anna and Ariel came back from their trip (several days after they returned because MyLittleMegara procrastinated about unpacking) having done absolutely nothing except hang out in the hotel room (and meet a new doll... a second Rapunzel!) They were adamant about not letting anybody except Esmeralda know about the new Punz because they didn't want to upset our Rapunzel.

Of course, Ariel just couldn't keep her mouth shut. She felt horrible, but the damage was done and Rapunzel did not take it well.

Esmeralda told me that she and Flynn had been chatting (Esme's friends with all the guys) when Rapunzel came over looking like she was about to cry. After laying her fears of rejection in the face of a new, fancier Rapunzel down, Flynn held her and let her sob into his shoulder.

When she had calmed down a little, he looked her straight in the eyes and told her that he hadn't married her for what she wore or how she looked- though it would have been easy for him to- and that he married her for nothing short of who she was inside and how much he loved her... and that no doll, no matter how new or fancy, would make him break his vow and leave her.

Tearfully, she kissed him and he held her close.

Several days later, Esmeralda and Hercules saw a doll they thought was me coming back from my spa treatment with a new dress and perfect hair.

Hercules was so excited to see "me" that he swept her up in a great big hug...

... which she promptly pulled out of, gently pushing him away.

Naturally, Esmeralda realized that this doll couldn't have been me, she was acting too... not like me, to be boring and as descriptive as a kindergartner.

The new Meg explained that her name was Aria and a mortified Hercules apologized for his unintentionally inappropriate behavior.

Aria forgave him, acknowledging the fact that he thought she was somebody else who was obviously very special to him.

Evidently November was just a month for romance because Adam and Belle got engaged on top of everything else!

And... then Hans collapsed. Literally.

It may have been because of the bizarre mess... I guess MyLittleMegara hadn't made the clan have a "Housekeeping Day" for a while!! What's with the hamster and the random bedding?

Horrified, he left in a hurry... though not without stealing a last glance.

Could something be going on between Hans and Annette, Esme wondered?
That's all I have time for today, so here's my little slice of the last few months. :D

It's Been a Real Slice.
Meg <3


  1. Oh, more romances. Looking forward to hear more about it. :)

    1. Thank you! The next post has a fair bit of romance in it, as well... :D <3

      Meg <3

  2. Hi, Meg! I love your blog, and I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! :) You can see the info here. :)

    1. Thank you so much! Looks like I have a post to type up...

      Meg <3
