Tiana certainly DID have something she was hiding!!!! Merida, Ariel and I were sitting on the mantel in the family room when MyLittleMegara walked in, carrying a big cardboard box.
Before we could investigate, she swept us up and re shelved us in her bedroom. Ariel quickly related the news to the others, who chatted excitedly for the next few hours, WAITING for Mama.
Soon enough, up she came, carrying something behind her back. "Hi, girls!" she grinned, "I have big news!"
We all looked at Tiana: the box... was this what she meant?
From behind her back, she produced three Disney Store boxes. (She took these pics before giving them to us.)
"Ladies, meet Prince Naveen-" cue Tiana's giggles- "Flynn Rider-" Rapunzel suddenly became very interested in her skirt- "and Maleficent!" We all gasped. A... villain?? What was Mama thinking?
"Just a sec... I'll have them out of the boxes." I didn't know a sec was 15 minutes, but with Disney Store Classics boxes? From what Ariel has said, they're torture. Pure torture.
But when the newbies finally were set free, they introduced themselves to us one at a time. Flynn went first, separately speaking to each of us. I could tell that he was trying to act like the movie character but he was obviously uncomfortable with the situation.
"Hey." to Esmeralda.
"How's it goin'?" to me.
"Lookin' good!" to Belle.
"Love the dress," to Aurora.
Et cetera.
But instead of acting smooth and suave to match his words, he was being completely stiff and awkward. Still, most of my friends were giggling madly and smoothing their hair with plastic fingers. I had to admit, this doll was attractive. But he really didn't seem interested in any of us (except maybe for Rapunzel, because instead of saying something slightly creepy to her he just lost all of his attempted Sheriff Graham-ness and acted like a normal person, just quietly saying "hi." But a second later, he was back to his facade.)
Every other doll got a silly little comment- every other doll but Kida, that is. He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped short by Kida's warrior-princess-death-stare. Kida is not a doll to be messed with. ;)
Next was Naveen. He said a general "hello" to all of us, then saw Tiana waving at him from the front row. Her pulled her up and looked her in the eyes.
"You are beautiful," he whispered. Tiana blushed and smiled, then sat down while Naveen returned to Flynn's side. I guess the two of them got to know each other in the box and became friends.
Maleficent was last. She looked at us and mumbled something by way of greeting.
"Stay- stay back!" Aurora yelled. I wished doing a face-palm would not have been rude. Aurora's loud mouth and large opinions can often end in conflict if she is ruffled and seeing Maleficent as a doll was certainly ruffling her.
The green-faced doll flushed and nodded, looking sad and scared and lonely. Kida followed her to the door, but came back around to us in a few moments.
"She has no desire to speak with me, but it seemed as though she needed a friend." No one volunteered, so we all settled into our various positions for the night. Mama set the boys up on the other side of the room and gently coaxed Maleficent onto our vacated shelf. Kida stayed with her, though, so she could keep an eye on her. I guess Kida likes Maleficent. Or at least, she likes her better than she liked Flynn.
MyLittleMegara turned off the lights and soon the room was filled with rhythmic breathing.
It's Been A Real Slice.
Meg <3
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